
Elizabeth Karvonen.com and our services are provided with the purpose of helping you present well in your writing quality and in the style of your home, as well as bring enjoyment through art. All services provided come with written contract agreements between Elizabeth Karvonen and You, the client.

While we do our best to provide you with error-free editing, there is a margin for error, as we are human. We may disagree on editing choices, but you are the writer and owner of your work.

While we make every effort to provide you with an outstanding résumé, we cannot make a guarantee of employment.

While we do our best to provide you with impeccable style, efficient use, and sound purchase direction for your home, we cannot fulfill every wish nor find the perfect solution for every situation. Curation services are suggestions and you are not required to follow them. We do not perform housekeeping, handyman, or furniture mover duties.

While we do our best to include the details requested in art commissions, we are human and may not be able to translate your exact vision onto canvas.

Our website and services provide no warranties or guarantees.